A Plan for the Nations

 A Plan for the Nations


Arnold Byron


Humanity needs a plan to deal with the ongoing crises it faces:

overpopulation, global warming and nuclear disaster. Outlined herein are my ideas on what humanity must do as it pursues a new paradigm: complete with a global office that will have been given the authority, protection, support, and wherewithal to implement solutions to the ongoing crises.



In 2015 I published a book titled Of Population and Pollution – A Global Warming Primer. This is the introduction to that book.

Sunlight is one of the three benign energy sources that provide power to Earth and its inhabitants; the other two are geothermal activity and gravity. Atomic energy is fearful and problematic. Even its waste products are radioactive and hard to contain safely.

Our planet has experienced (and is still experiencing) sunlight in three orders, which I like to call “ancient sunlight,” “recent sunlight,” and “instant sunlight.” The fossil fuels we use today are ancient sunlight. The plants and animals living today are recent sunlight. The sunlight that touches our faces and creates the wind is instant sunlight. Instant sunlight is the energy supply for solar arrays and wind turbines.

The danger we face today is that we have put ourselves on the brink of nonexistence by overusing our supply of ancient sunlight. We must find a way to use our renewing supply of recent sunlight to augment and ultimately replace our current use of ancient sunlight while we strive to use instant sunlight to meet our energy needs

Geothermal activity and gravity will be a part of the energy picture of the future, but to a lesser degree than solar applications. Atomic energy must be eliminated.

We must find solutions to three main problems: we must reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, we must peacefully reduce the number of people on Earth in a responsible and humane way and we must discontinue the use of nuclear power.


Table of Contents



Chapter 1                    On Colleges and Universities

Chapter 2                    On a Global Office

Chapter 3                    On Overpopulation

Chapter 4                    On Ending the Use of Fossil Fuels

Chapter 5                    On Providing the Energy We Need

Chapter 6                    On Gardening Locally

Chapter 7                    On Probable Nuclear Disaster

Chapter 8                    On Money

Chapter 9                    On Religion

Chapter 10                  On Time

Chapter 11                  On Nature




I have decided to put my thoughts together as if I was writing a book. I have given it the title, A Plan for the Nations. I have written and published a book in 2015 with the title Of Population and Pollution – A Global Warming Primer. Chapter 12 of my book, which also has the title A Plan for the Nations, explains in detail how I came up with the idea of a global office. Chapter 12 can be found here, https://mahb.stanford.edu/?s=A+Plan+for+the+Nations. This writing will duplicate much of the information I brought to my original book.

The problems facing humanity are global problems. The nations of the world need to come together to work together to fix the problems. That’s not to say that the nations of the world have not come together in the past. Wars, drought and famine have happened and have been resolved. The nations can and do come together to work together to solve problems. Take heed that the nations will have to do it again to solve the three problems facing humanity and the planet: overpopulation, global warming and a potential nuclear crisis.

After World War II the nations came together and created the United Nations. The United Nations does a lot of good work. It helps people all around the world. It is important that we keep the United Nations intact and allow it to do its good works. But let’s be clear; the United Nations has held climate meetings for the past twenty-five years, yet the world’s population is still growing, carbon dioxide levels are still increasing, and atomic energy and weapons proliferation are still with us. The United Nations will still have a role to play, but getting the nations to come together to work together to solve global problems has to be done differently.

The problem is that the United Nations has the security council veto. This veto allows the richest, most powerful nations to gain and enforce special interests that benefit the richest, most powerful nations first. The crises facing humanity and the planet are so large and so comprehensive that even the richest, most powerful nations working independently of each other will not be able to bring resolution. Any resolution will require the richest, most powerful nations to reach out and embrace the poor nations so that the poor nations can become a part of every solution.

Please let me say that, as humanity goes forward, the United Nations will have an advisory role rather than an operative role. This is because of the security council veto. The United Nations has done its work well. It knows of every asset and every facet on the globe. But, to resolve the crises humanity is facing, the United Nations will have to partner with the colleges and universities of the world. A worldwide association of colleges and universities must take the lead. In the next chapters I will outline my plan for the nations. You might call it a recipe for solving the issues of overpopulation, global warming and a potential nuclear crisis.

At this time in the history of mankind the way forward is fraught with the spectacle of total collapse, if not extinction. And time is short. Those given the responsibility to make the plans; coordinate the action; and do the work cannot be bothered or stopped, even temporarily, by arbitrary actions. Humanity is coming so close to annihilation that there is no longer time or room for whimsicalness, silliness, bullying or stupidity. The new global arrangement will not interfere with the people or the individual nation’s governance.

The new global arrangement will be characterized by intellect and capability; there will be no place for special agendas, special interests and sociopathy; and it will have the capacity to bring the nations together. This new global office will function mightily, especially with the help of The United Nations.

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Chapter 1

On Colleges and Universities

Colleges and universities are everywhere in the world. As institutions of higher learning they are filled with intellect and expertise. Can colleges and universities help the leaders of the nations decide how the nations can come together to solve the crises facing humanity? I think that the colleges and universities of the world, acting together as one unit, can be a very strong force.

The operative phrase in the preceding sentence is acting together as one unit. My personal assessment is this: at the present time nobody is in charge; if nobody is in charge then nobody can order work done; and no work will be done. Colleges and universities worldwide are the only institutions that are in a position where they can act to put somebody in charge, but they must act together as one unit. The United Nations role will be to help, not to lead.

All of the wringing of hands about social and economic collapse; death and destruction; nuclear disaster; and concern over how we can get a handle on global warming issues boils down to a single starting point. The colleges and universities of the world must find a way to act together as one unit.

My thoughts on an association formed by colleges and universities worldwide and the role of that association in dealing with the crises we face.

  1. The very first thing that must happen is for the colleges and universities, worldwide, to join together as an association.
  2. This association will have an elected board of officers and perhaps an advisory board.
  3. Because the professors, administration and directorships of colleges and universities worldwide are highly respected everywhere; an association made up of colleges and universities will not only be respected but will have power and influence equal to or greater than the politicians of any single nation.
  4. The association will begin talking with the leaders of the nations.
  5. The association will request the help of the most respected people in the world to help convince the nations’ leaders to join in the planning for the future. The association will appoint personnel who have been trained as negotiators to be emissaries for and to speak for these most respected peerless people.
  6. The Boards of Regents of all of the Colleges and Universities speaking, in one voice, will also be able to get politicians to listen.
  7. Students and faculty can also carry the message. For the students: this is all about their future.
  8. The association of colleges and universities will recognize that a new paradigm of governance will be needed engage in a war against global warming.
  9. The association will recognize that a new paradigm will require new treaties, charters, laws and rules that will be written by the law departments of colleges and universities.
  10. The association will recognize that any solution to global warming will require huge amounts of money. The business and economics departments of colleges and universities can be charged with the responsibility to figure out how to get the money in time to avert collapse.
  11. The association will recognize that religion is a strength in every nation and that all of the religions must come together for the purpose of working together to solve global warming.
  12. The association will recognize that the comparative religion departments of the colleges and universities have the intellect, the knowledge of the intricacies of each different religion, the contacts in the various religious orders and the center of purpose to engage the various religions and help them come together to help solve global warming issues.
  13. The association will recognize that global warming is also a science problem and that science departments must become engaged in any plan or effort.
  14. The association will recognize that ending the use of fossil fuel as an energy source and removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere are issues for which solutions already exist; that these known solutions are not being used; and that existing knowledge must be used to solve humanity’s crises whether or not it is cost effective.
  15. The association will recognize that global warming is a consequence of overpopulation.
  16. The association will recognize that putting Earth’s resource under stress is an indication of overpopulation and that the population must be reduced so that Earth’s resources will last.
  17. The association will recognize that the human person is an individual and has acted individually since the beginning of the human race and will continue to choose to act independently.
  18. Because nobody has ever questioned how many children can be born into a family, the association will recognize that if people are expected to determine, on a voluntary basis, how many children they can have they will not want to be limited to having only one child.
  19. The association will recognize that relying on raising the living standards of poor people so that poor countries can emulate rich countries and voluntarily choose to have fewer children is wishful thinking that will not lead to negative population growth.
  20. The association will recognize that the population will not be reduced until population control is implemented.
  21. The association will recognize that controlling the population by mandatory use of contraceptives will provide negative population growth.
  22. The association will recognize that because we must have a program of population control then we must have a central, global office where population control decisions will be made.
  23. The association will recognize that the number of solar panels and windmills to be deployed to supplant the use of fossil fuel must be maximized.
  24. The association will recognize that the long chain polymers (found in plant and animal cells) can be broken into short chain polymers (found in petroleum oil).
  25. The association will recognize that non-fossil fuel sources of carbonaceous feedstock such as household garbage, agricultural and industrial processing waste, and fields of crops harvested can be made into petroleum products.
  26. The association will recognize that when plants grow carbon is captured from the atmosphere and that refining long chain polymers into petroleum products such as gasoline will leave carbon as a byproduct.
  27. The association will recognize the need to dismantle and discontinue using any nuclear device such as power pants and bombs.
  28. The association will recognize that a global office set up by the nations, with the help of the association, will be given the authority to do what is necessary to end the use of fossil fuels; remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, refine needed petroleum products from non-fossil fuel sources; and to dismantle and end the use of everything nuclear.

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Chapter 2

On A Global Office

Every level of government has an administration to do the work and a board to provide direction. Our schools have a superintendent and a school board. Our cities have a mayor and a city council. Our states have a governor and a legislature. Our nations have a president or prime minister and a congress or parliament. Our planet does not have an administration nor a board of directors. Let me propose a global office to be the administration and an association of the nations to be the board of directors.

Every nation will continue to have its own autonomy. However, the nations will join together as an association for the purpose of ending global warming; reducing the population and dismantling everything nuclear. The nations will provide to the global office, by way of their association, the promise of protection, support and wherewithal to complete the assigned duties of ending global warming, reducing the population and dismantling everything nuclear. Let me reiterate that the nations are giving the global office only the limited authority to do certain things; but that the nations will not stand in the way of the global office as it does its work, even though the nations, especially the rich and powerful nations, may have to sacrifice some of their wealth and power to allow the global office to do its work.

The law departments of the colleges and universities worldwide will, by way of the association of colleges and universities, draft and shepherd into some kind of legal authority all of the agreements needed to make this happen.

The first step is to recognize that we are spinning our wheels and not doing any actual work toward solving the crises we face.

The second step is to allow and encourage colleges and universities to join together as an association to take charge.

The third step is for the association to recognize the need for an office that will be authorized, protected and sustained by the nations of the world. Creating a global office that is different than the United Nations will give humanity an office that is dedicated to solving global warming. The United Nations will still do its role in promoting peace and equality.

How the association of colleges and universities will set up a global office and what the global office will do.

  1. I will not attempt to speculate how the colleges and universities will create a worldwide association. People at colleges and universities are capable of doing that themselves. But, nevertheless, they must do it.
  2. After the colleges and universities have created the association, the association will devise a global office and sell the idea to the nations.
  3. The association of colleges and universities will help the nations come together as an association of nations and help the association of nations put a global office into place.
  4. The associations working together will decide on a physical location for the office so that it will have an address and communications.
  5. The global office will be a committee of twelve people. As with any committee, decisions will be made democratically.
  6. Six committee members will be elected from the science departments of colleges and universities worldwide.
  7. Six committee members will be elected from the comparative religion and humanities departments of colleges and universities worldwide.
  8. The election of the committee members can be conducted at a college or university campus. Candidates are selected from worldwide pools. Rules will be written to conduct the election. Rules will be made to winnow a large number of candidates down to six winners.
  9. The twelve members will have term limits (likely of staggered years) so elections will be ongoing.
  10. The twelve-member global office team will have two subcommittees.
  11. One subcommittee will be a twelve-member committee tasked with organizing all of the field offices throughout the world where all of the work (such as building and installing solar panels; building windmills; building mini refineries; dealing with overpopulation and health issues) will be done. This subcommittee will become a huge bureaucracy doing the work that the global office team has ordered done.
  12. The twelve members of this committee will come from four facets of humanity: three from science, three from religion, three from business and three from government.
  13. The global office team will set the criteria for each of the four categories. People will sign up as candidates according to the specified criteria. Four elections will be conducted in the same manner as the elections for the global office committee except these will be to elect three committee members rather than six.
  14. These twelve will also have term limits; so ongoing elections will be needed.
  15. The second subcommittee will be appointed rather than elected. On Line 5 of Chapter 1 the association of colleges and universities was charged with setting up a committee of peerless individuals and their emissaries to help get the nations on board with the idea of a global office. The global office team will keep this committee, or appoint one like it, as the second subcommittee.
  16. I expect that this second subcommittee (The Committee of the Prominent) will have its hands full working with national leaders, business leaders, religious leaders, and others. This Committee of the Prominent will have the responsibility to see that everyone is on board and willing to help the global office succeed. One of the big jobs will be to talk people into freeing up the money needed to fund the projects that will save the planet.

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Chapter 3


Until recently humanity has not needed to be concerned about the number of people on Earth. There has always been plenty of room and resources for everyone. Now the time has come when the population has outgrown Earth’s resources. The population must be reduced on a global scale. The nations must act together to create a global office so that there is a boss to make decisions, give orders, coordinate actions and see that the work is done. A global office will give direction and coordination.

How the global office might approach the problem of overpopulation.

  1. Knowing that life on Earth may end if an asteroid or comet should strike Earth and knowing that all life will end in one to two billion years when the consequence of the sun ending its natural life cycle occurs, the global office will be faced with the question: What measures must humanity take at this moment in time in order to give humanity the best chance of existing for one billion years or until Earth is struck by a very large object?
  2. Whether humanity began because of providence or evolution is not the question. The question to every member of humanity is: Do I have a responsibility to help humanity exist until the sun winks out? In my opinion, the answer should be yes, because, thinking differently is accepting a suicidal thought.
  3. This is the first time that humanity has overpopulated the planet. Since overpopulation is occurring and resources needed for the population are showing signs of diminishing, humanity is left with only one choice – reduce the population.
  4. What should be the optimum size of Earth’s population? Earth’s population must always remain in sync with available resources. This MAHB blogsite and other media spaces have been my sources for population estimates. I have seen estimates of four billion, or two billion, or six hundred million and as low as fifty million.
  5. As I have seen these estimates, I have noticed that the lowest numbers are predicted for the time after a period of collapse. My hope is that humanity does not become extinct because of a collapse. But why even consider that a collapse will occur. I believe that if we do the right things, we can avoid a collapse even as we reduce the population to such a low number as fifty million.
  6. In order to avoid collapse, the global office will have to choose the best way forward. I submit that the global office will have no other choice than to call for population control.
  7. Population control means that new rules for a new way of life will be ordered and all of humanity will be expected to comply with the new rules.
  8. If done right, population control will be nonviolent, non-eugenic, safe, fair and humane.
  9. Population control cannot be left up to people acting on a voluntary basis. Even with every nation experiencing wealth and the greatest opportunities for education, I don’t believe we will ever have 100% certainty that the population will decrease on its own.
  10. The global office will have no choice but to call for population reduction by using population control measures.
  11. Let me reiterate: the population must be reduced in a nonviolent, non-eugenic, fair, safe and humane manner
  12. Having a global office is the key to creating lasting population control that will work far into the future, perhaps for one billion years. The concept of the global office is outlined in this book and more details are given

More on overpopulation.

  1. The global office will be a committee of members who have no special or personal agendas. It is my hope that any checks and balances built into the global office committee will be enough to make the committee failsafe or at least self-correcting.
  2. It’s all about the living. It’s all about the future. These are the two strong pillars upon which population control must be based.
  3. Advances in medicine have increased the human life span. Medical advances make reducing the population more difficult but not impossible. Proper population controls will allow humanity to achieve negative population growth.
  4. Medical advancements are seen as an enhancement to population growth. In the beginning humans experienced an average lifespan of thirty-five to forty years. The lifespans have soared since the advent of immunizations; the increased availability and emphasis on nutrition; the proliferation of advanced diagnostic machines and devices; and easier access to medical facilities and medical personnel even in poor countries.
  5. It is unfortunate but there are people in the world who would withhold medical advancements from certain groups of people who they considered to be undesirable. The world has a more than unpleasant history of eugenics and attempts at genocide. Some people may want to stop medical advancements so that their attempts at genocide may succeed.
  6. The only position that humanity can take is to honor and make use of medical advancements even while humanity continues to reduce the population in a nonviolent, non-eugenic, fair, safe and humane manner. It’s all about the living.
  7. Once population control has been established it will always be with us. The size of the population must always be sync with the planet’s resources. The balance between population and resources must always be controlled. It’s all about the future.
  8. The future brings to us a truly new paradigm. It will have to be accepted by all.
  9. How will population control work?
  10. The war against overpopulation will be based on the concept that two people will raise a designated number of children to adulthood.
  11. Consider these formulas. To reduce the population two people will raise one child to adulthood and then cease raising children. To maintain the population two people will raise two children to adulthood and then cease raising children. To increase the population two people will raise three children to adulthood and then cease raising children.
  12. The global office will determine which phase: reduction, maintenance or increase is needed, as well as the length of time (a generation is about twenty years) for that phase to last.
  13. Compliance will be required by every person on Earth. New Laws and rules will be put in place to force compliance. Nobody will be above the law.
  14. The goal will be to reduce and maintain the population at the size that is in sync with available resources.
  15. Contraceptives will be the armaments in this war against overpopulation.
  16. Contraceptives will be used to prevent a pregnancy so that people can control when to have children.
  17. Contraceptives will be used after child birth so that the size of the population can be controlled.
  18. The global office will have medical centers in place to assist people in choosing the best contraceptives to prevent pregnancies.
  19. Contraceptives such as condoms, diaphragms, birth control pills, morning after pills and spermicide foam will be used to prevent pregnancies before a couple decide to have a child.
  20. Vasectomies and inter-uterine devices (IUDs) will be used, after the child is born, for population control.
  21. The people, from the global office and the aforementioned associations, will, when they are formatting population reduction, realize there will be objections to population control. They will rely on new laws and the courts. Objections, whether for medical, physical, religious or political reasons, will all be addressed and resolved.
  22. I do not see a need to use castration, hysterectomy or tubal litigation for either birth control or population control.
  23. This is how the program will work. When two people get together and they are not ready to have a child they will be able to use a contraceptive until they are ready. After the child is born the male will be required to have a vasectomy. The female will be required to have an IUD inserted and she will make a formal, binding proclamation that if she should become pregnant in the future, she will carry that pregnancy to term and give the child to two people who cannot have children and allow that couple to raise the child to adulthood. It’s all about the living.
  24. Both a vasectomy and IUD are extremely effective. Using both together should give one hundred percent protection against pregnancy. Aborting a fetus should never have to occur.
  25. This being a new paradigm, new laws and rules will have to be passed in the nations and accepted by the people. The justice systems of the nations will be called upon to make decisions.
  26. For instance, if a child dies after the father has had a vasectomy and the couple still wants to raise a child to adulthood, they should be able to do so. New rules and laws will have to be promulgated to assist the couple by reversing the vasectomy; by allowing the couple to choose a sperm donor; by allowing the couple to be adoptive parents; or by some other means.
  27. Here is another case. A female is raped and impregnated prior to choosing to have a child. Would she be allowed to have an abortion? Would she be allowed a second pregnancy? Would she have to carry the child to term and give it to an adoptive parent: Would the male be imprisoned for being a rapist? Would the male be required to have a vasectomy because he has fathered a child?
  28. Many countries allow same sex couples to become lawful parents through adoption. The global office could order that all nations allow same sex couples to become adoptive parents under the new paradigm.
  29. Because this will be a new paradigm, the above scenarios can only be answered with new laws adopted by all of the nations. The nations will be required to have courts and judicial systems that will work closely together.
  30. A note about adoptive parents in this new paradigm. At the present time when a child is adopted the situation often dictates that the child is taken away never to be seen again by the birth mother or family. In a new paradigm, with new rules, the adoptive parents could become extended family.
  31. In the future, families will have one, two or three children depending on which phase of population control is being used. Using contraception to regulate family size is pragmatic. Allowing people to have large families, just because they are biologically able to do so, is not reasonable now nor will it ever be in the future.
  32. When this program is initiated, the nations by order of the global office will send out medical teams to begin performing vasectomies on all of the males who already have one or more children and providing IUD protection for all of the females who have one or more children. This will guarantee a negative population growth from the beginning of the program.
  33. This first actual engagement between the population and new population controls should start as soon as it is announced. Many couples will elect to have one final child, if possible. Laws will have to be in place to help any person who makes a claim of noncompliance for physical, religious or political reasons.
  34. The association of colleges and universities will need to have all of these laws and rules in place at the time the association of nations creates a global office.
  35. Humanity has grown too large, it has outpaced its resources and must be scaled down or it will collapse.

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Chapter 4


Whether by providence or by happenstance, the universe began. Our solar system took form. Our planet, Earth, gained an atmosphere. Plants and animals came into being; first as single cell organisms then in more complex forms. Life, on Earth, lived and died over millions of years and became the carbonaceous material – the coal and petroleum oil – that we call fossil fuel. This process fashioned a planet whose various elements were in balance. One element, the human animal, having abilities that no other elements had; put itself and its needs for sustenance and energy ahead of the rest; and ran roughshod over the other elements, causing desecration and extinctions.

One desecration in particular has been the release of the carbon dioxide that had been sequestered as fossil fuel millions of years ago. Using ice cores taken from glaciers, such as those in Greenland, scientists have measured carbon dioxide levels. Prior to the industrial revolution the carbon dioxide level was at 258 ppm (parts per million). Now, a mere 250 years later, it is over 400 ppm. This increase has generated a rise in temperature of over 1 degree Celsius. The temperature is expected to increase to 2 degrees Celsius by the year 2100. The expected results: increased drought, increased flood, increased fire, increased food shortage, increased war, and increased displacement of people. All of which could lead to a collapse of social and economic structures. The worst-case scenario: a massive die off or even extinction of the human race.

To stop using fossil fuels we must begin using electricity from renewable sources. We need to build an infrastructure of renewables such as solar panels, windmills, wave action, tidal currents, hydro power and geothermal action. Nuclear is not renewable. Like coal and petroleum oil, uranium is limited. It must be mined from the earth. In addition, nuclear power has other problems, such as waste storage.

How to end using fossil fuel.

  1. An infrastructure of renewables to produce electricity which will include solar panels, windmills, wave action, tidal currents, hydro power and geothermal action must be built.
  2. Laws need to be written and passed to ensure that every new building, including personal residences should be required to have solar panels built into the design.
  3. The global warming caused devastation in California this year shows that new and established buildings and houses in fire prone areas need to be fire proofed before they are fitted with solar panels.
  4. Recent windmill designs have vertical blades that spin around a central rotor. Because the traditional windmill with long sweeping blades are detrimental to wildlife, new installations should use only the new design.
  5. Renewables based on hydro power, wave action, tidal currents and geothermal action will all work but may be more difficult to do. I think that concentrating on solar panels and windmills will be enough.
  6. We should stay away from building more hydroelectric dams. Wouldn’t it be nice if, sometime in the future, all the dams could be removed and our rivers could run free; as they did prior to humanity becoming overpopulated.
  7. Doing all of the above work will likely cost hundreds of billions, even trillions, of dollars.
  8. The global office—having been given authority by the nations—will be able to order that a worldwide infrastructure of renewables such as solar panels and windmills be built.
  9. Humanity can conduct a war against climate change by attacking the crisis with a warlike endeavor of manufacturing and constructing the renewable energy devices.
  10. It is possible and unfortunate that ending the use of fossil fuels will not be enough by itself.
  11. The world has a huge fleet of gasoline and diesel fuel guzzling vehicles that will need to be fed petroleum products for a long time into the future.
  12. There will be a lengthy transition from gas guzzlers to electric only vehicles.
  13. There will always be household garbage and other carbonaceous waste materials building up as a part of living. If humanity gets past the overpopulation crisis of today then how will it continue to deal with household garbage. Especially if humanity continues to exist for millions of years into the future.
  14. Humanity can’t keep dumping its waste into piles. It lays there moldering and creating methane gas.
  15. Humanity will have a need for petroleum products as a part of living far into the future, probably forever. We have to plan for it.

Wouldn’t it be nice if household garbage could be turned into petroleum products, such as gasoline and diesel fuel? We can do this. We can turn our garbage and other carbonaceous waste into useable petroleum products. The process for doing so has already been invented. The process may need to be tweaked, but it has already been up and running. This process is explained in the next chapter.

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Chapter 5


The future of humanity is tied to energy. We can’t get away from needing energy for heat, transportation and power. It is unfortunate that heretofore humanity has made bad choices. It is fortunate that good choices are available and that good choices can be put into play even today.

The bad is that humanity chose to use fossil fuel as its main energy source. The good is that humanity can choose to use non-fossil fuels and direct sunlight instead of fossil fuel. Consider this. The cellular structure of plant and animal cells are made up of structures called long chain polymers. Petroleum products are made up of structures called short chain polymers. Petroleum oil and coal come from long chain polymers being changed into short chain polymers over millions of years.

In these modern times it is possible to change long chain polymers (household garbage) into short chain polymers (gasoline, diesel oil and other refined petroleum products). A process called thermal depolymerization has already been successful. To start the transition from fossil fuel to non-fossil fuel we will need to build mini refineries everywhere in the world. Probably tens of thousands of them at a cost of hundreds of billions or even trillions of dollars. The mini refineries will pay for themselves by selling petroleum products made from non-fossil fuel feedstock. This must be our future. Let us make it happen.

Removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and providing the energy we will need.

  1. Petroleum products such as gasoline and oil are made in huge refineries. Later in this writing I will address my vision for mini-refineries.
  2. In huge refineries, crude oil that has been pumped from the ground is subjected to heat, pressure and a cracking process
  3. Crude oil comes from carbonaceous materials such as crustacean and other simple life forms that lived and died hundreds of millions of years ago. It has taken nature hundreds of millions of years to convert these carbonaceous materials into petroleum oil.
  4. How long will it take to use up all of the crude oil reserves? The oil wells will dry up. When they do, we will be in trouble if we are not prepared. How much time do we have to make a timely exit from using petroleum oil? The United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change claims that, if we have not begun reducing the parts per million of carbon dioxide by 2030, we will likely run out of time to prevent a socioeconomic collapse of all of humanity.
  5. The question is: Will we need to use petroleum products in the future? My answer is yes; there will always be a need for some petroleum products. But if we have used up all of the fossil fuel resources, how will we make the petroleum products we will need?
  6. By using non-fossil fuel sources.
  7. Actually, this can be done and is being done. The process has a name: hydrous pyrolysis, anhydrous pyrolysis, thermal depolymerization, or thermal conversion. Hydrous and anhydrous mean with water and without water.
  8. ConAgra Corporation has been processing turkey waste from butchering turkeys at a turkey processing plant for several years. They change the turkey waste to diesel fuel and electricity. The process they use can be called thermal depolymerization. Wikipedia has a good explanation. ConAgra has been successful.
  9. This process can be done wherever there is an abundance of carbonaceous materials. Household garbage, medical waste, industrial and agricultural processing waste are all examples of carbonaceous materials that can be processed by thermal depolymerization.
  10. In general there are five steps to the process: [1] sorting metals, glass and stone from the carbonaceous materials; [2] grinding the carbonaceous materials – paper, plastic, rubber, and wood – as fine as possible; [3] adding water and pressure cooking the batch under a high temperature and high pressure which causes the cellular structure of the material to break down, [4] release the pressure and transfer the batch to another cooker that has a higher temperature and pressure and which is connected to a [5] cracking tower that separates the crude oil-like solution into petroleum products such as natural gas, gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, etc. oil
  11. This process, which I call a mini refinery, starts with solids and ends with liquid and gaseous petroleum products and extracts carbon as its waste product. Carbon can be easily buried, stored or otherwise sequestered.
  12. The heat and pressure that is used in this process can be captured and used to generate electricity.
  13. If fields of highly vegetative plants are harvested and used to augment the household garbage and other waste material, then our mini refineries will be removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
  14. The thermal depolymerization process I have just explained is also known as hydrous pyrolysis or pyrolysis done with water.
  15. To get petroleum products using anhydrous pyrolysis, done without water, the carbonaceous material is heated, to very high temperatures, in a sealed chamber where there is no oxygen. When heated enough the carbonaceous materials give off fumes that rise into a cracking tower and are separated into the various petroleum products.
  16. These processes can be made quite small, even fitting on a flatbed truck. The idea is to have tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of these mini refineries, worldwide.
  17. Mini refineries should be built close to where the feedstock (the household garbage, the medical, agricultural and industrial waste, and the fields of plant material) is available.
  18. Building an infrastructure of mini refineries to use up our waste products and to provide for a steady decrease of atmospheric carbon may cost billions or even trillions of dollars.
  19. There will be profits to be made by selling the petroleum products made from non-fossil fuel feedstock.
  20. The global office will authorize and order this infrastructure to be built.

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Chapter 6


In chapter 5 I discuss building an infrastructure of mini refineries to produce needed petroleum products. These mini refineries will use carbonaceous materials such as household garbage, agricultural and industrial waste, and fields of vegetation as feedstock for the mini refineries. But what will we do for food if the fields are used for energy? When I wrote my book Of Population and Pollution, I wrote a chapter entitled Front Yard Gardening which is a plan to grow food locally. I want to share my idea of growing food locally, with you.

Front-Yard Gardening

Rooftop gardening has always been an interesting topic. Backyard gardening is usually what a homeowner has in mind when considering whether or not to have a garden, and I suppose container gardening can be done anywhere. Why choose front-yard gardening? Does the concept of front-yard gardening have anything to do with growing food to eat, or is it only for growing flowers and bushes? In the near future, front-yard gardening will be all about growing food to eat—but with a twist. I believe that front-yard gardening will be crucial to growing enough food to feed billions of people. But first, let us investigate this twist.

In the future, front-yard gardening will also be done in the backyard. But that is not the twist. The twist is that the homeowner will not do the gardening. The gardening will be done, more or less, by remote control. I want to take you to the future to see my vision of how humanity will grow food to feed humanity. Then, afterward, I will tell you why we must do this. The story begins as I am walking along a street in a neighborhood, sometime in the future.

As I walk down the street, I see houses and yards on both sides, and I notice that rows of vegetables are growing in the lawns. Upon closer inspection, I see that the vegetables are growing in containers made of plastic or aluminum. The containers, which are about eight inches wide, eight inches deep, and three to four feet long, are laid out end-to-end in trenches across the breadth of the lawn. The containers are filled with a growing medium that is rich in the nutrition the plants need.

I speak with a homeowner who is watering the containers of plants. I ask who dug out the trenches and put the containers in the ground. He says that the local vegetable growers’ association did that. I then ask if he had to know all about gardening, insects, and plant diseases. He says he didn’t have to, because the association did all that. I then ask if he had to harvest the vegetables. He says he does not have to harvest the garden, because the association does that. He reiterates that all he has to do is water the plants and that his agreement with the association allows him to pick some of the vegetables for his own use.

I decide to find out where this mysterious vegetable growers’ association is located, to pay them a visit. The homeowner tells me that there is a neighborhood station nearby; I learn that the association has lots of neighborhood locations throughout the city.

When I walk through the gate, I see a greenhouse, a large pile of compost, and a covered work area. I ask a worker what he does there. He says he has to fill containers with a growing medium and then plant the containers with the seeds, or starters, as scheduled by the master gardeners. He delivers the newly planted containers to yard gardens that have containers ready for harvesting. He also picks up those containers and brings them back to the work area to be harvested.

He explains that different vegetables are ready for harvesting at different times during the growing months and that the master gardeners maintain a rotation of different vegetables at different locations to control pests and diseases. In addition, he says that all of the plant residue and growing medium left in a container after the vegetables have been harvested are put into the compost pile for the purpose of controlling pests and diseases. I am pleased to learn that all of the old plant material will be recycled to make new growth medium for another batch of containers. Finally, he says that the harvested vegetables are delivered either to stores and farmers’ markets for sale or to small, local companies for processing.

Back to the present: my little story is written as if it were in the future. But when is it too early to start planning for the future? I submit to you that the future is today. I appeal to people to consider all ideas for growing food locally. But my plan gives structure to the process and maximizes the potential nutritional values that can be gained with local efforts.

Why will we need to use our lawns to grow food? That’s what fields are for. Here is the reason: our fields will have to be used to fight the war against global warming.

To reduce global warming, we need to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This can be done by growing plant life to extract the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and then by using a depolymerization process to break down the plant material into petroleum products and electricity. The rub is that we will need to use all of the farmland that we are now growing our food on for the purpose of growing the plant material that will best extract carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The only places we will have left to grow our food will be our lawns and other marginal land.

Being able to grow nutritious food while our farmland is being used in the fight to end and reverse global warming is key to our effort. I use the term “vegetable growers’ association” because I think a nonprofit cooperative may be the best business model to manage this kind of program.

Let me revisit the things we must do to end and reverse global warming. First, we must reduce our population worldwide. Second, we must build and put into use hundreds of thousands of hydrous and anhydrous pyrolysis/depolymerization facilities. Third, we must use our farmland to grow plants that are heavy in foliage, such as the aforementioned yellow sweet clover, hemp, and switch grass. These plants will provide the raw materials for our depolymerization facilities. Fourth, we must be ready and willing, on a worldwide scale, to use both front yards and backyards, as well as any available marginal land, to raise the food required to feed the population.

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Chapter 7


How the global office will deal with the probability of nuclear disaster.

I will lay out my thoughts on averting nuclear disaster in this chapter.

Nuclear science is new to humanity. Nuclear fission was discovered in the late 1930s. In less than one hundred years humans have proliferated Earth with atomic bombs and atomic power plants. What will happen if we lost control? Bombs can explode and power plants can melt down. Deadly radioactive radiation can be released spewing radiation on Earth and into Earth’s atmosphere. Atomic radiation will not only kill life on earth but it may weaken the ozone layer, i.e. the layer that protects us from the sun’s radiation.

  1. Some nuclear waste materials decay very slowly and will last from thousands up to tens of thousands of years.
  2. Nuclear decay releases radioactivity which is detrimental to biological life.
  3. If humanity plans on being around until the sun goes nova, how and where can nuclear waste materials be stored and leave any place for humanity to live?
  4. Nuclear usage is destructive. Atomic bombs are labeled as implements of mass destruction. Even atomic energy plants are destructive: witness Chernobyl and Fukushima.
  5. Nuclear fission has been so problematic in its few years on Earth that humanity will be best off by scrapping everything nuclear.
  6. Atomic energy facilities generate electricity. But as the population decreases solar panels and windmills will supplant any need for atomic energy.
  7. A small amount of atomic radiation is used more or less safely in medicine. My guess is that medical scientists will invent products and procedures that will effectively supplant radiation.
  8. Countries have started dismantling bombs and nuclear power plants. The global office could participate by supplying enough expertise, labor and funding to get the job done as quickly as possible.
  9. I will bet that if everything nuclear is gone it will not be missed
  10. How much will it cost to decommission everything nuclear, probably tens of billions of dollars or more? But most of that money will be paid out as wages, which will strengthen the economy.

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Chapter 8


How much will resolving all of the crises facing humanity cost and how can the work be done without economic disaster?

My plan for solving the planetary crises facing humanity will take a great deal of money. We need to accept that fact at the outset. If the people who have the money are not willing to spend it in order to avoid a collapse then the money will be lost. It is weird, but in order to save the money we will have to spend it. We are not in normal times. Overpopulation is forcing us to make the decision to use all of our resources to prevent collapse or extinction. What good will money be If the human race collapses or goes extinct?

The first need for money will be for Colleges and universities to set up an association to set up a global office.

The second need for money will be the recurring costs to administer the global office.

The third need for money will be to deal with reducing the population and establishing a new paradigm for humankind.

The fourth need for money will be for the building of an infrastructure of solar panels and windmills to end the use of fossil fuels.

The fifth need for money will be for the construction of an infrastructure of mini refineries that will use non-fossil fuel carbonaceous waste materials, augmented by fields of plants, to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere; generate electricity and produce the gasoline, diesel fuel and other petroleum products.

The sixth need for money will be to establish and implement a new way of gardening so that food will be produced with minimum cost and energy use.

The seventh need for money will be to dismantle everything nuclear and to safely store all of the nuclear waste.

The First Need:

  1. The first step is for colleges and universities to join together as an association for the purpose of setting up the criteria for a global office.
  2. We need a global office to organize and coordinate the solutions for overpopulation, global warming and probable nuclear disaster.
  3. The association of colleges and universities needs to begin writing treaties, charters and contracts that will be enacted among the nations to establish a global office having authority to solve overpopulation, global warming and probable nuclear disaster.
  4. The association of colleges and universities will encourage the formation of a cadre of the most respected, people on Earth to join together as a group to assist the boards of regents of the colleges and universities with selling the plan for a global office to the nations of the world.
  5. The association of colleges and universities will arrange for the election of the committee that will be in charge of the global office. This committee will be made up of educators from the comparative religion departments and the science departments of the colleges and universities worldwide.

The forgoing won’t cost a great deal of money other than expenditures by the colleges and universities.

The Second Need:

  1. The global office will have sub offices throughout the world. These offices will have overhead expenses such as salaries, wages, operation and maintenance.

These office and operational expenses will fluctuate, but count them in the billions of dollars per year.

The Third Need:

  1. The global office it will order that the population be reduced in a nonviolent, non-eugenic, fair, safe and humane manner; using contraceptive devices.
  2. The population reduction will be set up as one child per family and will take three or four generations to reach optimum size relative to the planet’s resources.
  3. There will be an ongoing cost for IUDs and vasectomies.
  4. After the population has reached optimum size each family will be able to have two children

The cost to implement and administer population control will be ongoing, mostly as wages and costs for contraceptives.

The Fourth Need:

  1. The global office will order the construction of an infrastructure of mini refineries that mimic huge petroleum refineries. These mini refineries will use the carbonaceous material from our household garbage augmented with field crops of hugely carbonaceous vegetation. The idea is to produce needed petroleum products and electricity while removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
  2. Once the global office is in place it will hopefully order the deployment of a recently invented sponge that, from what I have learned, will draw carbon dioxide from the air in such a way that the carbon dioxide can be sequestered.

Mini refineries and other geoengineering appliances will cost hundreds of billions, even tens of trillions of dollars.

The Fifth Need:

  1. The global office will order the maximum deployment of solar panels and windmills to generate enough electricity from renewables to supplant the need for fossil fuel as an energy source

Even though we have started to build this infrastructure maximizing the building in record breaking time will cost hundreds of billions if not trillions of dollars.

The Sixth Need:

  1. If there is not enough agricultural land available to raise crops for mini refineries and to also raise food for the people then the global office can be given the authority to order that all available land including peoples’ lawns and marginal land be utilized for growing food.
  2. Such an order will require the building of an infrastructure of specialized gardening facilities and greenhouses to grow the food locally, rather than continuing to use fossil fuel to transport food thousands of miles from where it is grown to where it is used.

These facilities and greenhouses will be simple structures. But because they will be for raising food there will have to be a massive number of them. Such an infrastructure, worldwide will cost hundreds of billions of dollars.

The Seventh Need:

  1. Once the global office is in place the committee will order the dismantling of everything nuclear.

Dismantling of nuclear bombs and power plants is already being done. I don’t know how much money it will take to complete the work but it will no doubt be a significant cost.


Where will the money come from?

  1. Since I know very little about finance and economics, professors and students in business and economics departments of colleges and universities may want to correct me. But, if what I am advocating to loosen up money can be done, then the experts in colleges and universities need to get involved.
  2. There is lots of money on the planet: in private accounts, in tax haven accounts, in insurance accounts and more.
  3. These accounts have a lot more than the trillions of dollars that will be required to solve global warming.
  4. The top one percent of the people in the world have enough wealth to fund the entire process. Taxing those who are merely well off will bring in even more dollars.
  5. How can we help people make their money available?
  6. We used to be able to simply cut our losses. But now that we are at the brink of nonexistence, we will have lost everything anyway; so we will have to use all of our resources to solve the planetary crises.
  7. A war is not won by skimping on bullets. We must approach these global crises as if we are at war.
  8. We must put all of the money that is in the world to work.
  9. When money is being used it circulates within the society keeping the economy strong.
  10. The money will be spent on building infrastructure such as solar panels, windmills and mini refineries and on wages and supplies.
  11. I suspect that the money in private accounts and tax havens are merely signatures on paper promising that the value will be there when needed. I understand that this money is often used as collateral for loans. So long as the loans are paid off the account retains its value.
  12. Could the nations of the world borrow this money from the super-rich at extremely low interest rates with the promise that it will be paid back in three or four generations to the heirs of the account owners?
  13. This makes sense because the money will retain its value if the economy remains strong. The trick will be to make certain the economy remains strong even as the population is diminishing. The global office may have to endorse the policy that the global office is the employer of last resort. So long as all of the able-bodied workers are provided work and wages; the economy should remain strong. The value of the money will disappear if the economy crashes. But then, if the economy crashes for any reason, the money will lose its value.
  14. Extremely low or zero interest rates are reasonable under the circumstances of overpopulation. If overpopulation leads to extinction then there won’t be anyone to spend money. The money will become fodder for rats and cockroaches.
  15. Money will not lose its value if it is backed up by the full faith and credit of the nations of the world; provided that the money is used to benefit all of the people of the nations.
  16. The global office will be coordinating all of the action with regard to keeping the global economy strong until after the planet has been returned to its normal state of equilibrium and safety.
  17. Economic and social collapse can be averted while the global crises are being solved.
  18. What will happen to the money if the worst-case scenario happens and humanity goes extinct? I ask that you envision a skeleton wearing his suit (likely a skeleton of a deceased petroleum company CEO; or a car manufacturing corporation CEO; or the CEO of a banking corporation) sitting in front of an open safe filled with money that is moldering away.
  19. New technology should be concentrated on global crises issues, not on drones and robots.
  20. If the money of the world is not put to work solving the crises confronting humanity then collapse and/or annihilation may be certain.

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Chapter 9


Much of the fight against global warming will depend on the religious sects of the world being able to get together to dialog about these global crises. I chose educators from the comparative religion departments and the humanities departments of colleges and universities to be central actors in making this dialog happen. If we get past this time of threatened collapse it will be because the religions of the world will have been able to bridge their differences and work together.

  1. I personally believe there is one God who is the same God for all the world’s religions.
  2. Even an indigenous person who recognizes the concept of a Great Spirit is seeing God.
  3. Every religion has a fundamentalist faction which fervently claims that their God is theirs only. I should think that the decision of whom God should embrace belongs to God, not to a faction within the religion. It may take more effort to convince these fundamentalists of the need to join with the rest of humanity in rejecting global warming.
  4. Many people put less emphasis on there being an actual Godlike personage who created the universe and all that is in it. Those who regard themselves as Humanists or Naturalists may or may not see a spiritual force in their contemplations of life and nature.
  5. Regardless, Godlike and Humanistic dogma are very much the same: do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Love one another and maintain peaceful relations among all nations and all people everywhere.
  6. These principles will bring everyone together to solve the planetary crises.
  7. It will be absolutely critical for all of humanity to embrace solving these crises, regardless that they may, individually, have to tweak their belief dogma to the positive ending, i.e. solving these crises.
  8. Understand that if a person believes there is a God, then that person believes that God will have the final say in all things. Believers do not know if God wants or does not want the annihilation of humanity at this time. It is reasonable to say that believers in God have no other choice than to accept population reduction and population control until God initiates a plan of God’s own making.
  9. All of the nations of the world and the people in them must work at finding peaceful relations so that they can work cooperatively.

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Chapter 10


How much time do we have? For years it has seemed that the powers who are supposed to know, said something like, “Don’t start worrying until 2100.” On the other hand, those who worry about massive methane hydrate releases have said something like, “As the northern and Arctic land masses and ocean waters warm, massive methane hydrate releases may occur anytime.” The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has recently said something like, “If the nations don’t get their act together and show noticeable action by 2030, they will be too late to solve the crises.” The United States Global Change Release Program recently issued a report predicting that huge economic losses and other disruptions will occur even as it echoed the United Nations report.

  1. It appears that time is short.
  2. The colleges and universities need to join together as an association and begin working with the nations to set up a global office.
  3. The nations need to begin their dialog immediately.
  4. The global office needs to be fully engaged in its work by 2025 to meet the United Nations IPCC deadline.
  5. How much time should the human race expect to live on Earth?
  6. What responsibility do the people living today have in deciding how long humanity should exist?
  7. The sun is expected to go nova in five or six billion years
  8. It is certain that human life will end in one to two billion years because of the sun’s natural cycle. This is a natural occurrence. People will accept that.
  9. By contrast: what is happening today is not a natural occurrence. Will we sit by and allow humanity to collapse because we fail to see the need to set up a global office to help us stop using fossil fuel and to reduce the population by using contraceptives such as intrauterine devices and vasectomies?
  10. We cannot decide to allow collapse or extinction to happen; because that is a suicidal thought.
  11. An association made up of the nations of the world needs to work with an association made up of the colleges and universities of the world to formulate and create a global office and give it the protection, support and wherewithal to resolve the issues of overpopulation, global warming, and nuclear disaster. And do so as quickly as possible.

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Chapter 11

On Nature

It’s all about the living. It’s all about the future. These could be the rallying cries of humanity as it considers overpopulation, global warming and nuclear disaster. These could also be the rallying cries of nature. The plants and animals are our forerunners. In fact, plants and animals are more closely related, especially on the cellular level, than most people know.

Any biologist can correct me if I am wrong, but I learned the following from an internet article discussing similarities between plants and humans. The cellular level is the foundation of all living things. Eukaryotic cells having genetic material within their cellular nucleus are the basic units of plants and animals, including humans. Plants and humans have both descended from unicellular nucleated organisms, called protists. Through time these protists evolved into multicellular organisms: both plants and animals, including humans.

I am belaboring this topic of plants and humans having the same beginning place because everybody must stand together in order to work together to save humanity and nature from global warming. Because everybody has their own agendas and their own biases, we must learn to understand ourselves and nature. Learning that plants and animals are all molded from the same clay, so to speak, has helped me. I am more willing to embrace nature than I once was. It should it be the same for everyone.

  1. Genesis: Chapter 1, Verse 26: Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.” The word dominion in this biblical passage means stewardship.
  2. This is explained as follows. God instructed Adam to keep the Garden of Eden in good shape (Genesis: 2-15). It is not written, but it can be reasoned that if God told Adam to care for the Garden of Eden, then God is instructing humanity to care for nature.
  3. From the beginning of the human race, any time that humans moved into a new area they ruined what nature had established.
  4. The overpopulation of today is not only causing ruin it is causing such devastation that humanity has entered an era that scientists have named the sixth extinction.
  5. This sixth extinction may be the last extinction. Unnatural elements that were not a part of the past extinctions have been introduced. Radio activity from nuclear fission can be a killing force.
  6. The love and care that nature needs at this moment in time is to reduce the population to give nature a chance.
  7. Most people on Earth are religious people. I have laid out a religious argument as to why religious people need to embrace stewardship and do all they can to fight on behalf of nature.
  8. The world is filled with spiritual people. Believers in God and believers in Humanistic principles share much of the same philosophical bent. They must simply learn how to work together.
  9. Whether people embrace God or Mother Earth they are all charged with the admonition that in order to support nature they must support population control.
  10. Many activists favor setting forth the unalienable rights of nature in a document called A Bill of Rights for Nature. A global office could make this a part of its agenda.
  11. The population of the world must be reduced to the point that it is in sync with the planet’s resources. Know that enough room for nature to exist is one of the resources with which the human race must be in sync.

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My Plan for the Nations is a recipe for saving the human race. Humanity may disappear, but the planet will last, in whatever shape we leave it, until the sun goes nova. Let me make a list of the ingredients for the recipe.

  1. Understand that there is no plan in place at this time to save the planet.
  2. Understand that some organization, such as our colleges and universities, worldwide, must intervene and make a plan.
  3. Understand that colleges and universities are the repositories of the intellect and creativity of humanity.
  4. Understand that colleges and universities are perfectly suited to be the organization to save humanity.
  5. Understand that individually, colleges and universities have little power, but that as a worldwide association of colleges and universities they will have immense power.
  6. Understand that the association, through its college and university members, will provide expertise in law, business, money manipulations, science, religion and human relations.
  7. Understand that such an association will be responsible to write all of the treaties, agreements, laws and rules that will be needed to bring the nations together to work together.
  8. Understand that the nations will join together to form an association of nations.
  9. Understand that the association of colleges and universities will work with the leaders of the association of nations to set up a global office that will be given the authority, protection, support, and wherewithal to solve the global crises.
  10. Understand that the administrators of the global office must not be sociopathic nor have special interests or special agendas.
  11. Understand that the best place to find administrators for the global office will be the comparative religion and science departments of our colleges and universities.
  12. Understand that the global office will be in charge of field offices which will be situated everywhere in the world and will be given the authority to reduce the population in a nonviolent, non-eugenic, fair, safe and humane way; to build an infrastructure of solar panels and windmills to generate electricity from renewable devices and end the use of fossil fuel; to build an infrastructure of mini refineries that use non-fossil fuel feedstock to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, generate electricity and provide needed petroleum products; and to dismantle everything nuclear.
  13. Understand that the population must be reduced to a size that will be in sync with the available resources.
  14. Understand that available resources must include room for nature to exist.
  15. Understand that humanity cannot exist without nature and that the right of nature to exist is intertwined with the right of humanity to exist.
  16. Understand that the population may need to be reduced to one-fourth or one-eighth of its current size and be maintained at that level for several generations.
  17. Understand that there is a formula for reducing the population: for reduction, one child will be raised by two people to adulthood; for maintenance, two children will be raised by two people to adulthood; for increase, three children will be raised by two people to adulthood.
  18. Understand that after the required family size is reached that the male parent will be required to have a vasectomy and the female parent will be required to have an IUD inserted.
  19. Understand that this will be coordinated by the global office.
  20. Understand that the law departments of the colleges and universities will write all of the new laws that the nations will adopt to reduce the population.

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Arnold Byron was born in 1941 in North Dakota. As he grew up he began to notice that winders were not as cold and problematic as they had been when he was a child. Learning from Paul Ehrlich and Al Gore, Mr. Byron could easily see that global warming was a consequence of overpopulation. To assuage a great deal of worry, Mr. Byron wrote a short book entitled Of Population and Pollution- A Global Warming Primer. Chapter twelve, A Plan for the Nations, outlines what humanity can do to resolve the crises it is facing and, can be found here.